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Contagious Diseases, Do They Exist?

thegreatgaslights Oct 07, 2020

While we have millions of microbes on and inside our bodies, they live in symbiosis with us and have never been shown to be the cause of disease.

The notion that we should avoid all germs is preposterous and actually damaging to our health.

Do germ's have all the power to control your fate?

Microbes are everywhere and make up a significant portion of our bodies. There is clear evidence that they can not make you sick alone. It is the conditions, and the terrain that matters, and our perception of it.

Two people can be exposed to the same microorganisms and one gets sick and the other doesn’t.

It is bias the reporting that leads us to believe it’s all about the invisible microbe and that new medical intervention’s are necessary to save us, this is disingenuous at best and an intentional lie at worst.  Microbes may certainly pass between us but the concept of an “infectious” or “contagious” disease is false. 

Is it germs (Pasteur), that cause disease, or is it poor terrain (Bechamp)?

A “contagious disease” is generally considered to be an illness caused by a microbe that can transmit between “hosts” such as humans.

Tom Cowan author of “The Contagion Myth” argues there is no evidence for any contagion, virus or bacteria or otherwise. Tom says that disease is caused by other things, such as toxicity, starvation, stress, and injury.

While microbes may proliferate in certain conditions, they are not the cause of disease – something has to go wrong with the body (or the “terrain”) first to make it a receptive host. Those of us that advocate terrain therapy do not make the mistake of blaming the microbes!

What weakens someone’s terrain?

Throughout history, diseases have ravaged the same groups with mortality levels being much higher in densely populated areas, the elderly, the obese, the sickly, areas with poor sanitation, inadequate waste disposal, and tainted water supplies, the poor and the mal- or under-nourished.

All of these conditions weaken the terrain thus providing a good host for disease. Improving the terrain and thus the immunocompetence of the individual is a highly effective strategy for preventing and treating disease.

The astonishing truth

The astonishing truth is that there is zero (what we used to call) “scientific evidence” that COVID19 (or any other flu-like illness) is even person-to-person transmissible.

No direct evidence of person-to-person transmission of the virus (if this is what is causing this illness) has been demonstrated experimentally.

Such an experiment would be EASY to set up and carry out, given the authority and funds to do so.

Seeing that the world has been WRECKED by the response to an assumed contagion one might have expected scientists to check out whether the assumption was true or false.

But there have been no grants for that!

Historical Studies

Between November 1918 and April 1919 exactly such experiments were carried out under the authority of the U.S. Surgeon General.

  • 62 Imprisoned sailors volunteered to be guinea pigs in exchange for being released from their sentences.
  • They were brought into contact with hospitalised patients suffering and dying from the “Spanish Flu”.
  • These sailors endured 4 different procedures, including drinking “shots” of the warm spit of the sick and lying nose-to-nose with patients, taking deep breaths and holding their breath after inhaling while the patient was coughing… etc.
  • NOT ONE SAILOR GOT SICK, much to the surprise of the doctors overseeing the investigation.

(details are recorded in “The Invisible Rainbow”, Firstenberg, Ch. 8 and “Virus Mania”, Englebrecht et al, Ch.7 … the original documentary evidence was taken out of the US Surgeon General’s Report 1919 sometime during the autumn of 2020 …) 


We are exposed to millions of microorganisms every day and will be for the rest of our lives making terrain theory is a much more useful model than germ theory.

The terrain refers to the body and immune system, representing our resistance to disease. It presupposes that we look for toxins in our environment, improve our environment, provide good food, housing, quality water, attend to pollution etc.

As Florence Nightingale observed “There are no specific disease, only specific disease conditions“.

On his deathbed, even Pasteur even admitted “The microbe is nothing, the terrain is everything


It was Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), a contemporary of Pasteur, who discovered the true nature of germs. He found they were pleomorphic (capable of changing from one type of organism to another). With this theory, it is the conditions where germs live that are important (the terrain), instead of the germ itself.

“Germs seek their natural habitat – diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” – Antoine Béchamp

“Germs” in general are scavengers

“Germs” in general are scavengers. They eat dead cells. So when you’re sick, which is usually caused by some kind of toxicity or other damage, the microbes eat the dead cells resulting from the damage. They clean the terrain from waste. They’re not harmful, and they don’t ’cause’ the damage. And they don’t kill cells. If they could do that, then with the rate at which they multiply we would never survive. They’d just literally eat us alive!

From a biological point of view, it makes no sense for an organism to ’cause’ a disease in another organism. Organisms use other organisms for food. And microbes feed on dead cells. If you have dead cells, they eat them. If you don’t, they have nothing to eat there.

So healthy people won’t get sick by ingesting or inhaling microbes because there’s no food available for them. The whole idea of disease is pretty twisted in our society. What we see as a ‘disease’ is the body already dealing with some damage.

We literally call the process of healing ‘disease’, at least in many cases. And by treating the ‘symptoms’, we’re often destroying or slowing down the healing process, rather than actually addressing the cause of the problems. We have it all backward.

Inflammation is the same – it’s part of the healing process, dampening inflammation at times can delay healing.

“The germ theory is wrong; the virus theory is wrong. Viruses are not here to kill us; in reality they are exosomes whose role is to provide the detoxification package and the communication system that allows us to live a full and healthy existence. A war on viruses is a war on life.” Dr Tom Cowan

Perception of sickness

Psychology also plays a role too, if people believe in a deadly microbe, wear a mask and avoid friends and family out of fear we are all bioweapons, they literally (albeit subconsciously) believe they will get sick – so they do.

If instead we view sickness as a healing experience, with symptoms that do not need to be suppressed but celebrated we are thus liberating from fear.

If everyone in the world understood the implications of this, this whole charade would be over. Decades of the welfare state has steadily replaced individual responsibility.

How as independent clinic owners, can you inspire and support individuals and communities to own their health and improve their terrain?


The Contagion Myth, Dr Tom Cowan

The Invisible Rainbow, Firstenberg, Ch. 8

Virus Mania, Englebrecht et al, Ch.7

Bechamp or Pasteur, Hume 

The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together