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Doctors, What Are They Good For?

thegreatgaslights Mar 08, 2023

 2020 the year medicine broke the trust of the population

It is hard to believe there wasn’t a person affected in one way or another 2020 by “Covid”, and the political, media, and medical assault that came with it.

The result being the medicine experienced a catastrophic loss of respect. As the fatally flawed medical system was exposed and it became apparent that medicine was no longer aligned with health. Leaving many questioning whether they even need a doctor.

Doctors no longer seemed able to think for themselves, rather only comply with government mandates and simply follow “the experts”, leading to the evaporation of the patient-doctor trust.

When it comes to your health do you even need to interact with the system at all?

Over the last couple of years, the majority of health and medical professionals have acted like turtles pulling their heads into their shells staying quiet and acquiescing to suppression, whilst following absolutist policies which lacked supporting evidence.

The question becomes whether you are willing to take any health advice from practitioners completely oblivious to evidence.

The Covid19 vaccine

Believing we are at war with microbes most medical professionals rather than communicate suspicion about the ongoing lack of valid control in many virology studies and the scientific method not being followed, chose to officially promote a toxic shot.

Even though the majority of doctors know nothing about vaccines and if asked, are unable to answer the following:

  • What is the chance this particular disease leads to death in the modern era?
  • Have there been randominsed control trials to demonstrate that these products are effective?
  • How long are people followed up in trials to check for adverse reactions?
  • How much aluminum ends up in the body of a child who is given all the recommended vaccines? And in which organ does the aluminum accumulate?

Some practitioners are convinced by the financial rewards for themselves and most remained silent about the perverse incentives that were offered for the community to take an experimental injection when they had no idea what harm it may do to them.

Doctors are not some special type of human with higher ethics, courage, or compassion. They are flawed like everyone else. And for most work is just that, work and a means to an end, the incentives and disincentives apply to them as everyone else.

To ask questions and speak out the medical professional would risk:

  • Fear of consequences of not cooperating
  • Lack of career advancement
  • Loss of income

The medical industry’s addiction to drugs

The medical industry is so influenced by the pharmaceutical industry it could be described as corrupt.

The main reason we take so many drugs is that drug companies don’t sell drugs, they sell lies about drugs” Peter Gotzsche

Peter Gotzsche highlights the scale of the pharmaceutical industries’ influence on medical practice, with scientific material written by ghostwriters simply as promotional material for drug companies.

Yet prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

Due to

  • ineffective drug regulation
  • over medicalisation
  • polypharmacy
  • and poor knowledge of interactions and harms of drugs

And yet what happens when you visit a doctor? You leave a prescription, sometimes for life, whilst the doctor may genuinely be under the impression they are helping you because they are following best practices and bringing themselves approval from colleagues and regulators when audited.

What is often not considered is that there are other ways to improve health such as nutrition and exercise, which avoid chemicals completely and avoid the risk of being injured by a drug.

Gotzsche states around 95% of prescription drugs are unnecessary, “We rarely need drugs. We are rarely in situations where a drug may save our life, or where a drug could make a major difference to our lives…”

The medical industry’s addiction to drugs is highly concerning to its proclivity to prescribe new drugs. Doctors believe what they are told by big pharma and remain silent when it becomes apparent their prescriptions have been based on manipulated data, by which time it is too late for those who have died or been left injured by the drug eg: Vioxx.

the reason patients trust their medicine is that they extrapolate the trust they have in their doctors into the medicines they prescribe, The patients don’t realize that (their doctors) know very, very little about drugs that hasn’t been carefully concocted and dressed up by the drugs industry” Gotzsche

Perhaps therefore it is no surprise that doctor’s strikes result in mortality remaining the same or even declining!

Allopathic medicine is based on models that are flawed.

Flexner Report of 1910 established modern-day medicine. The report was an attempt to align medical education under a set of norms that emphasized laboratory research and the patenting of medicine. The report written by Andrew Flexner was funded by John Rockefeller and Andrew Carnegie, among others. 

The report went after all-natural healing methods, setting the stage for patented pharmaceuticals and the systematic removal of many alternative healing modalities from the AMA certification.  

When Rockafeller took over the medical system with the Flexner report they also took over the educational sector. Rockefeller and Carnegie offered grants to the best medical schools in America — with a caveat: only an allopathic-based curriculum could be taught. Thus, Rockefeller and Carnegie systematically dismantled the courses of these schools by removing any mention of the natural healing power of herbs and plants, or of the importance of diet to health.  Rockefeller had his eye on monopolising the health industry and as natural compounds cannot be patented he sent agents across the USA to discredit all the natural health industries to enable him to produce chemical patentable drugs. He even invented the word “Quack” as part of the smear campaign. 

Dr Sam Baily has described examples of the Flexner’s report daily impact on health:

For example, a children with stomach pain maybe diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease and maybe prescribed long-term immunosuppressant medication, dismissing management by diet and natural remedies.

Pneumonia is another example, everyone is breathing in microbes. For someone to get pneumonia there has to be an insult first such as nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins, physical damage to the lungs, or psychological stress. Microbe proliferation occurs after the event and is not the cause of it. In other words, there is something wrong with the “terrain” and this is where efforts in healthcare should be focused rather than prescription drungs.

The flaws were ignored

The flaws in all key components of “Covid” were ignored, by the very people we have been taught to trust with our frontline health:

Medical ethics and informed consent were trampled on when we government agencies and health bodies started telling us what to do with our own bodies! Medical interventions should be an individual’s choice after they are fully informed of the real risks and benefits.  

Unfortunately, most doctors go along the path of least material resistance and will go along with authority especially if their paychecks depend on it. Maintaining a license requires doctors to support or at least keep quiet with regard to what the licensing body is doing.

The medical establishment enforces compliance with unethical political goals dressed up as health measures. While claiming it is maintaining professional standards. Taking action to silence those who do their own research and won’t go along with it means they risk:

  • Being professionally discredited
  • Investigated
  • or having their licenses suspended

Sadly history reveals that even when democide takes place doctors do not tend to be a group that stops the crimes, in fact, many are complicit.

“Depsite its global dominance, this medical-industrial complex has given us meagre, feeble comforts at vast expense. Its chief concern is its own survival and continued dominance, and its ethos is the betrayal of the scientific ideals of the golden age” Professor Seamus O’Mahony

Medicine no longer knows what it is for!

Medical practice has lost contact with the essence what it is supposed to be through the combination of

  • misplaced microbe theory
  • unhealthy influence of big pharma
  • monopolised regulation of the medical practice

Politicians supported by GP’s seem to be thinking they are bringing us health through regulation, with the administration of a commercial product making it into legislation. Leading to the political-medical-industrial complex seemingly creating its own demise.

Do I need a Doctor?

The entire medical cartel thrives on the insane proposition that people suffer from thousands of distinct diseases, each of which is caused by a single germ, which must be treated by a toxic drug and prevented by a toxic vaccine.

The limitations of the MD, held back by adherence to indoctrination and institutional compliance have been exposed.

A medical license has shown itself not to be a license to heal, the requirements are farcical involving box-ticking exercises for bureaucrats with a commitment to sticking to the rules of the cult, having nothing to do with one’s ability to help others with their health.

The ultimate healing power comes from within oneself and it is highly unlikely one is suffering from a pharmaceutical deficiency!

What we need are open-minded, fully informed, health professionals in tune with natural remedies and with evidence surrounding vaccines who are not so influenced by big pharma. However, these professionals must be bold as they will often face hostility or leave.


The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together