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The "EAT" System: How to Engineer Time for a Thriving Clinic

privatepracticeskills Jan 06, 2021

In the pursuit of building our dream clinic, it's crucial to recognise the value of time and how it directly impacts our business's success.

Today, we delve into the EAT system—an effective approach to managing tasks, prioritising responsibilities, and maximising productivity. By implementing this system, we can eliminate low-value tasks, automate repetitive processes, and focus on high-impact activities that truly drive our business forward.

The Value of Time:

Time is a precious resource that often goes undervalued. We tend to overlook the true worth of our time when it comes to building our businesses. For instance, if we aim to earn £100,000 per year and work 20 hours a week for 10 months, our time is worth £125 per hour. However, engaging in lower-value tasks such as administrative work can cost our business dearly. It's a common misconception that doing everything ourselves saves money and guarantees success. In reality, this approach leads to burnout, stress, and less overall profitability.

It's time to shift your focus from firefighting to strategic planning and growth.

Introducing the EAT System:

The EAT system provides a structured framework for categorising tasks based on their value and impact. By dividing tasks into 10-pound, 100-pound, and thousand-pound categories, you gain clarity on where your time is best allocated.

1. Evaluate: Identify the Value of Your Tasks

The first step is to evaluate your tasks based on their value. Categorise them into three groups: 10-pound, 100-pound, and thousand-pound tasks. Here's a breakdown:

  • 10-pound tasks: These are low-value, mundane tasks that consume your time without significant returns. Examples include administrative work, social media posts, and bookkeeping.
  • 100-pound tasks: These are medium-value tasks that contribute to your clinic's growth but can be delegated or automated. Examples include certain marketing activities, basic research, and some aspects of patient communication.
  • Thousand-pound tasks: These are high-value tasks that directly impact your clinic's success. These are your zone of genius, where you excel as a healthcare professional, and where your expertise is most valuable. Examples include patient consultations, treatment planning, and specialised procedures.

2. Automating and Transferring:

Now that you have categorised your tasks, it's time to take action. The ultimate objective is to eliminate or automate the 10-pound tasks, delegate or transfer the 100-pound tasks, and concentrate your efforts on the thousand-pound tasks—activities that generate significant returns and transform lives.  

  • Eliminate: Review your 10-pound tasks and determine if any of them can be eliminated entirely. Sometimes, we get stuck in routines that aren't necessary. Streamlining your workload will free up valuable time.
  • Automate: Look at your 100-pound tasks and identify processes that can be automated. Utilise software and tools to streamline repetitive tasks like appointment reminders, email marketing, and patient record-keeping.
  • Transfer: Delegate tasks that fall within your 100-pound category. Consider hiring support staff or outsourcing certain functions like copywriting, digital marketing, and secretarial work. This allows you to focus on your thousand-pound tasks, where your expertise truly shines.

By doing this, you free up valuable time and mental capacity to focus on higher-value tasks that truly require our expertise.

Leveraging Systems and People: Systemisation plays a crucial role in optimising our workflow and maximising efficiency. Creating standardised processes and procedures for routine tasks not only saves time but also ensures consistency and quality.

Additionally, delegating tasks to capable individuals, either in-house or through outsourcing, enables us to leverage their skills and expertise while allowing you to concentrate on your zone of genius—the areas where we can make the most significant impact.

3. Embracing the Zone of Genius:

The ultimate goal of the EAT system is to liberate ourselves from low-value tasks and immerse ourselves in your zone of genius. With the lesser tasks eliminated or delegated, you now have more time to concentrate on your zone of genius. Spend at least 80% of your time on your thousand-pound tasks, where you can make the biggest impact on your patients' lives and drive revenue for your clinic.

As we embark on the journey to build the business of your dreams, time management and task prioritisation become paramount.

By implementing the "EAT" system, you can transform your clinic's productivity and efficiency. Focusing on high-value tasks and delegating the rest will lead to reduced stress, enhanced patient care, and greater financial success. Remember, you are the driving force behind your clinic's growth, so prioritise your time wisely to make your dreams a reality.

The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together