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Harnessing the Power of Testimonials: A Guide for Clinic Owners

clientattraction privatepracticeskills Apr 14, 2021

Taking a moment to express gratitude is essential for maintaining a sense of fulfilment and positivity.

Clinic owners, need not only to appreciate what you have but also recognise the value you bring to your patients' lives. Testimonials from satisfied patients serve as powerful evidence of the impact you make in improving their well-being.

This article aims to explore the significance of gratitude and testimonials, along with practical tips for gathering and utilising them effectively.

The Significance of Gratitude and Testimonials:

Taking the time to acknowledge the positives helps maintain a balanced perspective. Expressing gratitude for what you have and the opportunities you provide for your patients is crucial for creating a positive and compassionate clinic environment.

Testimonials, offer tangible evidence of this value that you bring to people's lives, validating the impact of your services.

Overcoming Shyness and Hesitancy

Asking for testimonials can be intimidating, and you may feel shy about doing so. However, it doesn't have to be a daunting process. To make it easier for patients to provide feedback, keep the request simple and straightforward.

Ask them a few questions about their experience, such as what problem led them to seek your services, why they chose your clinic, and what results they achieved. 

  • What made you choose us?
  • What problem were you having that made you pick up the phone and come to us?
  • What did you do?
  • What are the results from the treatment?
  • Why did you come to us?
  • What did you like about us?
  • What have your results been?

This approach allows patients to articulate their experiences and demonstrate the positive changes your clinic made in their lives.

Making Testimonial Collection Convenient:

Encourage patients to share their testimonials by making the process convenient and tailored to your goals. Direct them to platforms like Google or Facebook for online reviews if you want to enhance your online presence.

Alternatively, offer a quick form or request an email to gather testimonials for your website. By guiding patients to the preferred platforms, you can facilitate the feedback process and increase the likelihood of receiving testimonials.

Timing is Key:

Seize the Moment Choosing the right moment to ask for testimonials is crucial for their authenticity and effectiveness. Look for opportunities when patients express enthusiasm and gratitude for positive outcomes they experienced due to your clinic's services. Capture these moments to request testimonials, as genuine appreciation enhances the testimonial's impact.

Additionally, following up with patients after successful outcomes presents an ideal opportunity to ask for their thoughts.

What exactly should I say?
Just listen for those opportunities when patients say, wow, I feel so much better or when patients say they managed to get back onto the golf course.

Your request needs to be natural and in your words. Try variations of:
“Oh, we love hearing that, we’d be ever so grateful if you add a review on our Facebook, because we rely on reviews”.

Just listen for those opportunities and ask. Once you get in the rhythm of collecting them, it can then very easily become habit.

Building Trust and Attracting Patients

Testimonials are not only a testament to the impact of your clinic but also play a vital role in your communication and marketing efforts. By showcasing real-life experiences and success stories, you can effectively communicate the benefits of your services to potential patients. Testimonials provide social proof and build trust, influencing others to choose your clinic for their needs.

Remember, testimonials allow patients to express gratitude for the positive changes your clinic brings to their lives.


As clinic owners, embracing gratitude and utilising patient testimonials are essential tools for success. By appreciating what we have and recognising the value we provide to our patients, you can cultivate a sense of fulfilment and purpose. Testimonials serve as tangible evidence of the impact we make, and strategically collecting and utilising them enhances communication, builds trust, and attracts new patients.

So, continue to express gratitude, gather testimonials, and make a positive difference in the lives of those you serve.

The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together