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Streamlining Expenses and Making Smart Commitments

askkate profitwithoutpills Sep 10, 2022

Achieving profitability is a crucial goal for any business, including healthcare practices. One effective way to boost profitability is by carefully examining all expense lines, identifying areas for cost-cutting, and negotiating essential expenses. Additionally, involving your team in this process can bring fresh insights and ideas. 

  1. Collaborative Expense Management:

Collaborating with your team can be invaluable when assessing expenses. Employees often offer unique perspectives and suggestions that can lead to cost-saving opportunities. For instance, your team might suggest alternatives to weekly flower deliveries, such as investing in a cost-effective plant. Additionally, they can assist in negotiating favourable terms for phone and internet bills, potentially reducing overhead costs.

  1. Identifying Must-Haves:

While trimming expenses is essential, it's crucial to identify and prioritise the must-haves for your practice. These are essential services or resources that directly impact the quality of care and service delivery. By focusing on must-haves, you can maintain the standard of care while managing costs effectively.

  1. Committing to Profitability Ratios:

Creating clear and achievable financial goals is essential for driving profitability. Committing to specific ratios for profit, tax, owners' pay, and operating expenses provides a framework for financial planning. Setting targets for each category ensures that the practice's finances are well-managed and aligned with its overall growth objectives.

  1. Allocating Profit:

Designating a percentage of revenue to profit is crucial for building a stable financial foundation for the practice. A healthy profit margin allows for reinvestment in the business and provides a buffer during lean periods.

  1. Managing Tax Obligations:

Understanding and committing to the appropriate tax ratio ensures that the practice remains compliant with tax regulations. Careful tax planning can help optimise deductions while fulfilling tax obligations.

  1. Determining Owners' Pay:

Committing to a fair and reasonable owners' pay ratio ensures that practice owners receive adequate compensation for their efforts. This balance allows for personal financial security while reinvesting in the growth of the practice.


Driving profitability in a healthcare practice involves a two-fold approach: smart expense management and financial commitment. Collaborating with your team to identify cost-cutting opportunities and negotiating essential expenses is a strategic way to optimise spending. Committing to specific ratios for profit, tax, owners' pay, and operating expenses sets clear financial goals and ensures the practice's financial stability.

By striking the right balance between prudent expense management and thoughtful financial commitment, your practice can thrive and achieve long-term profitability.

The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together