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Ignore The Establishment

thegreatgaslights May 28, 2022

When lockdown struck in the spirng of 2020 I was in disbelief.  Disbelief it was happening and disbelief anyone could think closing businesses, shutting schools, restricting exercise and social isolation were a good thing, that was before masks had become a thing.  The world as we knew it seemed to transform overnight, and with it came a wave of questions and concerns that left many of us searching for answers.

 The notion of masks being an everyday accessory was still far from reality. As these measures were put into place, a myriad of emotions stirred within me – from skepticism about their effectiveness to concerns about the broader impact on mental health and societal dynamics.

Reassessing Professional Responses

Amidst this whirlwind, professionals within the healthcare community found themselves at a crossroads.  I was also appalled and confused as to why our Professional body "The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy" were not promoting the importance of physical activity to reduce co-morbidities, giving advice on the benefit of purposeful activity and why respiratory colleagues were not informing people about basic respiratory care at home to prevent hospital admission, rather they seem to be contradicting everything we know to be true about good health as Physical Therapists by towing the establishment line. 

The disconnect between professional expertise, conventional guidance and the core tenets of holistic well-being raised questions about motivations.  Social isolation and wearing masks can never replace the treadmill or hide the inconvenient truth that high body fat percentage poses a higher health risk than common cold. 

Exploring Alternative Health Perspectives

It was during this search for clarity that the perspective of Dr. Simon Goddek emerged. His health advice took a holistic stance, emphasising the importance of natural practices and self-care. Nurturing our bodies with proper nutrition, embracing sunlight for its vitamin D benefits, staying physically active, and prioritising restorative sleep were heralded as crucial pillars of well-being. 



Governmental Health Advice:

  1. Take a potentially harmful experimental drug against a virus that most likely won’t pose any danger to you.
  2. Wear harmful masks.
  3. Isolate yourself from your family and friends.
  4. Stop visiting the gym or your sports club.
  5. Neither go too much outside nor go on holidays; i.e. avoid vitamin D synthesis.
  6. Prescribe a handful of drugs that will never really make you healthy.

Dr. Simon’s Health Advice:

  1. Make sure you eat healthily and supplement smartly (magnesium, zinc, melatonin, etc.). Grow your own food if possible.
  2. Expose yourself to the sun for at least 30 minutes a day, covering your body as little as possible.
  3. Exercise every day. Get in shape with cardio and strength sports.
  4. Give up on drugs (especially alcohol) and sleep at least 8 hours per night.
  5. Have a rich social life. Enjoy the reality with friends and limit (social) media consumption to 1-2 hours per day.
  6. Get off statin drugs.

The importance of this is reiterated in the video by sports scientist Tim Noakes.

“Quarantine is when the movement of sick people is restricted. Tyranny is when the movement of healthy people is restricted. Propaganda is when the media deliberately deceive the public about that difference. A genuinely lethal pandemic doesn’t require a 24/7 PR campaign” Dr Simon

Diving into Ethical Considerations

The pandemic brought forth a multitude of ethical dilemmas. The idea of testing healthy individuals, isolating children, and restricting fundamental freedoms ignited a passionate discourse on personal liberties and societal responsibilities. The use of experimental drugs, the suppression of open scientific debates, and the potential implications of a Social Credit System all warranted a closer examination of ethical standards in times of crisis.

“It’s unethical to test healthy people.
It’s unethical to isolate children.
It’s unethical to censor science.
It’s unethical to shut down debate.
It’s unethical to destroy livelihoods.
It’s unethical to spread fear and panic.
It’s unethical to promote experimental drugs.
It’s unethical to implement a Social Credit System.

Some of you wouldn’t even recognise tyranny if they forced you to wear a mask and prohibited you from getting within 1.5 meters of a fellow human being.” Dr Simon

Urging a Paradigm Shift

In the face of uncertainty, it is imperative that health professionals recalibrate their roles and responsibilities. The call to action is clear – to embrace a broader perspective that empowers individuals to take charge of their health journey. Beyond being mere conduits of medical advice, health professionals are uniquely positioned to inspire change and cultivate a culture of self-empowerment.


WHEN the National Health Service was being established after the Second World War, some doctors were uneasy about the likely effect on their relationship with patients. Neville Hodgkinson wrote:

He is servant of his patient

When master of his fate

But master of his patient

When servant to the state”


The spring of 2020 will forever be etched in our memories as a time of upheaval and transformation. The lessons learned during this period have prompted me to question, adapt, and evolve. As we chart our course through uncharted waters, let us remember that health is a reflection of choices and habits.

It is time to raise our game as health professionals and end the abuse of ourselves and the population we serve rather than being foot soldiers of the global elite, let us seize the opportunity to inspire change, cultivate resilience, and usher in a new era of health consciousness that transcends crises and empowers us to thrive.


Dr Simon

The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together