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Let's Talk About Measles

thegreatgaslights Sep 16, 2020

The Measles Virus Doesn’t Exist, Proved in German High Court.

Dr. Stefan Lanka proved in the supreme court, Germany in 2016 that there is no scientific evidence for the existence of the measles “virus”.

This has challenged the entire scientific community when it comes to the existence of “viruses”.

What about Enders?

Dr. John Enders 1954 Nobel Prize winning experiment showing the isolation of the measles virus, actually demonstrates just the opposite. 

Dr. Stefan Lanka replicated the 1954 experiment and discovered that the structures that emerged in the experiment were NOT measles virus particles.

Rather, cytopathic artifacts of the lab-induced cellular destruction of any of 4 additional sources of cells (monkey kidney cells, fetal cells, cow’s milk, bovine serum) that were added and cultured alongside the body sample from a “measles”-infected person.

It is precisely because the same structures emerged in a CONTROL experiment where the body sample from the infected person was not included that Lanka was able to prove this.

In short, the structures emerged, which have been called the measles “virus” were present whether a body sample of an “infected” person was used or not.

Enders was a fraud

Dr. Enders was a fraud because he failed to convey the results of the control experiment.

The control reveals that the structures that Dr. Enders falsely labeled as pathogenic measles virus particles were actually nonpathogenic EXOSOMES.

Measles symptoms do exist. However, a measles virus does not exist. Something other than a virus particle is responsible for the symptoms attributed to a whole slew of so-called viral diseases.

Dr. Enders experiment could have won an award for isolating EXOSOMES, not a measles virus. For his deception, his legacy is on par with Dr. Mengele, for it was the 1954 experiment that has given birth to a deadly industry, the cash cow plague of UNNECESSARY vaccines, which hasn’t stopped

“The vaccine eradicated Measles.” Really?

England and Wales measles mortality rate from 1838 to 1978. (Record of mortality in England and Wales for 95 years as provided by the Office of National Statistics, published 1997; Report to The Honourable Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Bart, MP, Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, June 30, 1860, pp. a4, 205; Essay on Vaccination by Charles T. Pearce, MD, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; Parliamentary Papers, the 62nd Annual Return of the Registrar General 1899 (1891–1898)) Source: Dissolving Illusions

Measles was in decline and eradicated with clean water and good sanitation long before a vaccine was released.

Germ theory begat virus theory begat viral vaccines and all three theories are monumental adventures in pseudoscience.

What Next?

German Federal Supreme Court (BGH) confirmed that the Measles Virus doesn’t exist.

Yet the WHO and the CDC saying measles is now an imminent global threat due to pandemic…?

This is despite there not being a single scientific study in the world that could prove the existence of the virus in any scientific literature.

This raises the question of what was actually injected into millions over the past few decades? Which is clearly being picked up by parents as nearly 40 million children worldwide missed a measles injection in 2021. This is a record number of children, due to trust in the medical establishment waning following the lessons and failures of COVID vaccine.


The Health-prenuers Guide

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Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

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