The past couple of years have been undeniably challenging for the majority of people, with stress becoming an all-too-familiar companion. Clinicians and clinic owners have faced their own unique set of challenges – adapting to ever-changing rules, grappling with the "no jab, no job" dilemma, and trying to balance personal and professional responsibilities.

This persistent state of stress can trigger the primal fight-or-flight response, and sometimes, even the immobilising freeze response. Just as we observe in our patients, our ability to take action significantly impacts the outcomes we achieve. In this blog, we'll explore the parallels between patient recovery and clinician success, and how to navigate these uncertain times effectively.

The Power of Action

In clinical practice, patients who actively commit to their treatment plans often achieve remarkable results. This outcome isn't merely coincidental. Clinicians play a pivotal role by offering their expertise, clarifying goals and timelines, and providing support, encouragement, and accountability. This blend of tough love, reassurance, and empathetic listening creates a powerful foundation for progress.

Similarly, clinicians and clinic owners facing unfamiliar challenges must give themselves permission to seek assistance. Just as patients require a roadmap to recovery, step one in establishing or running a practice is defining clear goals and committing to them. Feeling overwhelmed with numerous ideas is a common pitfall, but a simple process can provide much-needed clarity.

The Clarity Process

  1. Grab two pieces of paper: Begin by physically externalising your thoughts – this can have a remarkably clarifying effect.

  2. List your top 25 practice-related goals: Write down everything you wish to achieve with your practice on the first piece of paper.

  3. Identify your top 5 priorities: From that list, circle the five goals that resonate most with you and transfer them to the second piece of paper. These are now your primary focus.

  4. Create an "avoid at all cost" list: The remaining 20 goals on the first paper form the "avoid at all cost" list. These items tend to distract you from your priorities.

Taking Action and Embracing Change

Once you're clear on your goals, the next step is strategising how to achieve them. Just as patients might need to learn new habits and skills to recover, clinicians and clinic owners may need to acquire fresh knowledge and adapt to new approaches. Taking ownership and responsibility for change is crucial. Even if it means making uncomfortable decisions, redirecting your trajectory can be immensely rewarding.

Maintaining Long-Term Focus

Stressful periods can be overwhelming, but it's essential to remain focused on your long-term vision. Consider the contribution you want to make to the realm of health and wellness. This perspective allows you to take proactive, incremental actions that align with your ultimate goals.


Life's challenges, though daunting, offer opportunities for growth and transformation. Just as patients overcome health obstacles through dedicated action, clinicians and clinic owners can navigate uncertainty with a clear roadmap, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace change. As the adage goes, life is indeed an endurance event, but with the right mindset and actionable steps, you can pave the way for a successful, fulfilling journey in the world of healthcare.

Remember, each step you take towards your goals brings you closer to the future you envision – a future where you've harnessed your resilience, expertise, and determination to create a positive impact on health and well-being.