The Money Blog

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Refusing To Comply

askkate thegreatgaslights Mar 10, 2023

Throughout history, we have seen those in power seeking to expand their influence. Some leaders exploit crises to gain more control, sometimes at the expense of the common person's liberties. 

However, power-hungry individuals cannot succeed without enablers who implement their directives. In the context of a pandemic, healthcare professionals and other stakeholders play a vital role in shaping public perception and adhering to demands

Wearing masks, social distancing, and vaccination became central dogma encroaching on personal freedoms,

When people in power seek to exploit us, it is our collective responsibility to remain vigilant and uphold individual liberties.

Healthcare professionals, as advocates for public health, play a crucial role in retaining perspective, navigating this terrain, respecting freedom and empowering people to say NO.

The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together