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Revolutionising Leadership

leadership privatepracticeskills Feb 03, 2021

As a clinic owner, it is essential to navigate the challenges of managing teams, especially during uncertain times.

Today, we delve into the concept of leadership and explore how involving your teams and clients can lead to remarkable outcomes. 

Embracing the Power of Listening:

One of the fundamental aspects of leadership is the art of listening. By creating an environment where everyone's voice is valued, leaders can tap into a wealth of ideas and perspectives, great ideas can originate from unexpected sources. As a leader, you should heed the age-old advice: "We have two ears and one mouth; let's use them in proportion."

Transitioning from Leader-Follower to Leader-Leader:

The traditional leader-follower model, effective in industrial settings, may not be suitable for today's more educated and diverse workforce. To fully leverage the potential of our teams and clients, we must embrace a leader-leader model, where leadership is a shared responsibility.

This model recognises the importance of involving all stakeholders in the decision-making process. By opening the floor to ideas, inspirations, and creativity, businesses can discover innovative ways of working that may have otherwise remained untapped.

Balancing Responsibility and Accountability:

While inclusive leadership involves valuing everyone's input, it is crucial for the clinic owner and leader to maintain responsibility and accountability. With numerous ideas pouring in, it can be challenging to implement every suggestion.

However, actively listening and acknowledging the contributions demonstrate a commitment to fostering a collaborative and engaging work environment. By prioritising ideas aligned with the business's purpose, values, and long-term vision, leaders can make informed decisions that steer the organisation towards sustainable success.

Empowering the Team and Clients:

In the journey towards effective leadership, it is essential to extend ownership to both the team and clients. By encouraging participation and embracing their perspectives, leaders can create a culture where everyone feels valued and empowered.

Actively involving clients in the decision-making process allows businesses to gain insights and understand their evolving needs, leading to enhanced service delivery. Embracing a team of leaders fosters a sense of shared responsibility and commitment, propelling the organisation towards greater heights.

Finding the Right Employment Models:

In building a team of leaders, it is crucial to assess the alignment of team members with the overall purpose of the business. Traditional employment models, such as zero-hour contracts, may not foster the level of commitment and engagement desired.

Instead, consider attracting individuals who not only possess the necessary skills but are also passionate about contributing to the journey and experience of the business. By reevaluating and adapting employment models, leaders can build a team that is driven by a shared sense of purpose.


Effective leadership is an ever-evolving journey, requiring openness, adaptability, and a willingness to embrace new paradigms. By transitioning from a leader-follower model to a leader-leader model, a clinic owner you can unlock the potential within your teams and clients, driving innovation, growth, and long-term success.

Embracing inclusivity, active listening, and shared responsibility paves the way for a thriving work environment where everyone has a stake in your organisation's journey. 

The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together