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Scaling Peaks and Business Summits: Ross Tompkins' Journey from Physio to Serial Entrepreneur

conversations inspiration Jul 17, 2024

Ross Tompkins, owner of multiple businesses and former physiotherapist shares his remarkable entrepreneurial journey.

Ross shares his story of transitioning from a clinical role in physiotherapy to becoming a successful business owner, with a focus on occupational health and innovative business growth strategies.

Through a series of epiphanies, Ross learned to prioritise business skills over clinical skills to expand his impact and success.

Key Points Discussed:

  1. Ross's Background and Early Career:

    • Started as a physiotherapist in the NHS but moved to private practice after 18 months.
    • Founded his first business in 2006, focusing on occupational health physiotherapy.
  2. First Epiphany – Occupational Health Focus:

    • Realised most patients' issues stemmed from their work environment rather than sports injuries.
    • Shifted focus to occupational health and ergonomics to better serve his patients.
  3. Second Epiphany – Importance of Marketing:

    • Recognised the need for marketing skills to grow his business.
    • Stopped clinical training to focus on business growth, resulting in significant expansion.
  4. Third Epiphany – Growth through Acquisition:

    • Lost a major contract but discovered the potential for business growth through acquisitions.
    • Acquired 13 businesses and plans to complete six more acquisitions this year.
  5. Transition from Clinician to Business Owner:

    • Stepped away from clinical work to focus solely on business operations.
    • Discussed the challenges and emotional aspects of changing professional identity.
  6. Managing and Leading Teams:

    • Emphasised the importance of hiring skilled individuals for various roles.
    • Focused on strengths and delegated tasks to experts in operations, marketing, and finance.
  7. Balancing Variety and Focus – The 70-20-10 Rule:

    • 70% on the main thing, 20% on the next big thing, 10% on passion projects.
    • Focused on high-impact tasks while allowing time for creative pursuits.
  8. Educational System and Creativity:

    • Critiqued the regimented educational system for stifling creativity.
    • Encouraged clinicians to apply critical thinking skills to business challenges.
  9. Personal Goals and Achievements:

    • Ross's goal to visit every country and complete the Explorers Grand Slam.
    • Discussed how travel fuels his creativity and business acumen.

Memorable Quotes:

  • “You can be the best therapist in the world, but if nobody knows who you are, how will your clinic grow?”
  • “Focus on your strengths and surround yourself with people better than you in other areas.”
  • “Our businesses are helping people every day, even if I’m not putting my hands on patients anymore.”

Connect with Ross Tompkins:

The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together