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The Importance of Follow Up Calls

clientattraction privatepracticeskills Oct 13, 2021

In any business, client feedback is invaluable to ensure their needs have been met, for improving services, strengthening relationships, and driving growth.

One of the most effective ways to gather this feedback is through follow-up calls after client appointments.

In this article, we will delve into the significance of follow-up calls, the best practices to implement them, and how they can transform your business.

The Importance of Follow-Up Calls:

  1. Building Client Relationships: Follow-up calls demonstrate that you genuinely care about your clients' well-being and satisfaction. By reaching out to them after their last appointment, you show that they are more than just customers – they are valued members of your business community.

  2. Gathering Valuable Feedback: Feedback from clients is an invaluable source of knowledge that can help you understand what works well and what can be improved in your business. It provides insights into their experiences, needs, and expectations, helping you make data-driven decisions to enhance your services.

  3. Generating Testimonials and Case Studies: Satisfied clients are more likely to provide positive testimonials and participate in case studies. These success stories serve as powerful marketing tools, boosting your credibility and attracting new clients to your business.

The Follow-Up Call Process

  1. Preparing for the Follow-Up Call:

    Before picking up the phone to make a follow-up call, it is essential to refresh your memory about the client's case. Recap the notes from their last appointment, remind yourself of their goals, and understand their emotional reasons for seeking your services. Being well-prepared allows you to engage in a meaningful conversation and makes the client feel valued.

  2. The Follow-Up Call Process:

    When making the follow-up call, keep the tone warm and friendly. Begin by introducing yourself and confirming the client's identity. For example, "Hi, this is Kate from The Wellness Clinic. Is this Bob?" Once confirmed, express genuine interest in how the client is doing since their last visit. Encourage them to share their experiences and any progress they've made towards their goals.

  3. Active Listening and Gathering Feedback:

    During the conversation, practice active listening. Allow the client to speak openly about their journey and any concerns they might have. Ask open-ended questions to gather detailed feedback about their experience with your services. This feedback will help you identify areas for improvement and understand what clients value the most about your business.

  4. Requesting Testimonials and Case Studies:

    If the client expresses satisfaction with your services, politely ask for their permission to use their feedback as testimonials in your marketing materials. Testimonials serve as powerful social proof and can influence potential clients. Additionally, consider asking satisfied clients if they would be willing to participate in a case study, showcasing their success story through a video or written content.

  5. Offer Solutions: If the client is still experiencing issues or requires further treatment, offer appropriate solutions. Suggest booking another appointment or committing to a treatment plan to achieve their desired results.

  6. Celebrate Success: If the client is doing well and achieving their goals, celebrate their progress with enthusiasm. Positive reinforcement fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivates them to continue their journey with your business.

  7. Handling Appointment Cancellations:

    In the event that a client canceled their last appointment, approach the situation with empathy. Avoid assuming the reason for the cancellation and ask the client about their well-being. If appropriate, gently reinforce the benefits of committing to a treatment plan and the positive results achieved by those who stay on track.

  8. Time of Day for Follow-Up Calls:

    There is no set rule for the best time of day to make follow-up calls. The key is to develop a habit of making these calls regularly. Whether you do it during office hours or after hours, the important thing is to show that you care and are interested in your client's well-being.


Who Should Make the Follow-Up Calls?

The responsibility for making follow-up calls can be shared between your front desk team and clinicians. Both have unique strengths to offer: front desk teams are organised and can manage lists effectively, while clinicians have a deeper relationship with clients, making the calls more personal.

It's recommended to involve clinicians in making follow-up calls, as they can better understand the client's needs and provide personalised care. However, ensure that a dedicated time is set aside each week for making these calls.






Follow-up calls are a vital aspect of gathering feedback, enhancing the client experience, and fostering strong relationships. By making these calls, you demonstrate genuine care and commitment to your clients, which can lead to increased client satisfaction, positive testimonials, and ultimately, business growth.

Implementing a well-structured follow-up process can bring immeasurable benefits to your clinic or business, making it an invaluable asset in your growth strategy. So, pick up that phone, listen attentively, and watch your practice flourish as a result of these simple yet powerful follow-up calls.

The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together