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Understanding the Financial Funnel: Revenue, Profits, and Cash Flow

privatepracticeskills profitwithoutpills Mar 06, 2023

Today, we are diving into the world of finance. Specifically, I want shed light on the difference between revenue, profits, and cash flow - concepts that are often misunderstood but essential for running a successful business.

The Financial Funnel Analogy:

Imagine a large funnel representing your business. At the top of the funnel is the revenue, the money coming into your business through sales or other sources. As the money filters down, it encounters various holes that represent the expenses - salaries, rent, utilities, and other necessary costs to keep the business running smoothly.

The Net Profit:

At the bottom of the funnel, after all expenses have been accounted for, we find the net profit. Net profit is what remains after the costs have been subtracted from the revenue. It might seem like this is the money available for you to spend or invest, but there's one more crucial aspect to consider - taxes.

The Tax Man's Share:

Remember the tax man also wants a share of the net profit. Therefore, even the net profit isn't fully available for your personal use. However, it presents you with various choices, such as paying yourself a dividend, paying down debts, reinvesting in the business, or building savings for the future.

The Real Cash Flow:

While profit and loss statements provide a summarised view of your financial situation, it's crucial to understand that profit is not the same as cash in hand. Compare this to giving pocket money to a child - even though it's their pocket money day, they can't spend it until they have the cash in hand. Similarly, in business, you need to track the actual cash flow to make informed decisions.

The Importance of Financial Awareness:

Understanding the financial health of your business is paramount to its success. By comprehending the flow of revenue, expenses, profits, and cash, you gain clarity on how to manage and grow your business effectively.


  1. Revenue is the money coming into your business, while profits are what remains after deducting expenses.
  2. Net profit is not immediately available for personal use, as taxes need to be considered.
  3. Profit and loss statements summarise the financial situation, but actual cash flow must be tracked for decision-making.
  4. Being financially aware empowers you to make better choices for the growth and stability of your business.


As you embark on a journey to explore the financial health of your business, keep in mind the financial funnel analogy. Revenue, profits, and cash flow are interconnected components, and understanding their distinctions will lead to wiser financial decisions. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently steer your business towards success and prosperity. 


The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together