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A New Frontier: Virtual Reality Healthcare

conversations deliveringdesiredoutcomes inspiration Jul 05, 2023

If like me, the sound of your generation is the dialling up of the internet as we entered a new universe of information and technology, this latest VR development may slightly blow your mind!

While many of us associate VR with gaming and entertainment, its potential goes far beyond that.

Pete Moore gave me a tour of how the innovative applications of VR healthcare could work. Sharing insight's of how he is using VR to help people suffering with longstanding pain.

A Gateway to Empathy and Engagement:

Pete explained to me that he was inspired by a VR hospital, pioneered by a visionary Japanese doctor. Who created virtual spaces bring people together, enabling patients, healthcare professionals, and support communities to connect in a way that transcends geographical boundaries.

Creating Healing Spaces:

Within VR hospitals, a range of rooms and workshops are available to cater to specific needs. For instance, Pete has created a PainToolKit room which offers a creative outlet for self-expression, while a self-management room provides a hub for patients seeking guidance on managing their conditions effectively. These virtual spaces resemble art galleries, filled with information, videos, and interactive elements to engage visitors.

A Room for Connection:

One remarkable feature of these VR hospitals is the capacity to facilitate connections among individuals who share similar experiences. In the planned room for people living with cancer-related pain, patients will have the opportunity to meet, interact, and support one another. This virtual hub serves as a safe and inclusive space, empowering individuals to share their stories, exchange advice, and find comfort in a community that truly understands their journey.

Accessibility and Flexibility:

One of the significant advantages of VR technology in healthcare is its accessibility. While traditional in-person workshops and support groups may be limited by physical distance or health constraints, VR eliminates these barriers. Participants can join from the comfort of their homes, using a VR headset or even a smartphone, allowing them to engage with these virtual spaces at their convenience. This flexibility opens up new avenues for participation and engagement.

Potential drawbacks and limitations:

  1. Limited Physical Interaction: VR hospitals cannot replicate the physical touch and in certain situations, such as critical emergencies or procedures requiring physical intervention, VR may not be a suitable substitute for in-person care.

  2. Technological Barriers: VR technology requires specific hardware, such as headsets or smartphones, which might not be accessible or familiar to everyone. This could limit the participation of individuals who lack the necessary equipment or have difficulty navigating the virtual environment.

  3. Reduced Non-Verbal Communication: Non-verbal cues, facial expressions, and body language play a crucial role in effective communication and understanding in healthcare settings. VR experiences may not fully capture these nuances, potentially impacting the depth of empathy and connection between patients and practitioner.

  4. Potential for Virtual Isolation: While VR hospitals aim to create supportive communities, some individuals may feel isolated or detached in a virtual environment, especially if they crave physical presence and direct human interaction. This feeling of isolation could hinder the emotional support that comes from face-to-face interactions with others.

  5. Technical Glitches and Learning Curve: VR technology is not exempt from technical issues, such as software glitches or connectivity problems. Additionally, there might be a learning curve for individuals unfamiliar with VR, which could impact their overall experience and engagement within the virtual environment.

  6. Privacy and Data Security Concerns: As with any digital platform, data privacy and security are crucial considerations. VR hospitals must prioritise stringent data protection measures to ensure patient information remains confidential and secure from potential breaches.


I am not sure what to conclude at this moment. I can see how VR could be used as a complementary tool in healthcare, enhancing accessibility and improving access to support, but am keen on the back of the the last years we don't get sucked further in to digital slavery where we become transhuman and further loose connection with ourselves, nature, sunlight, real food, real exercise, real fresh and real conversation.


The Health-prenuers Guide

Coming Soon!

I'm on an exciting journey with my book, taking it back to the good old days when books were served up in newspapers, piece by piece. I'm crafting circa 500 words a day and sharing it with all of you.

Now, this book is for you if you've ever had a brilliant idea or a vision for your own healthcare business or perhaps you want to revitalise your existing service, but you're stuck, not sure how to confirm if there's a market for your idea or how to bring your vision to life.

Let's embark on this journey together